Trailer Youre Scared Just Count to Boogeyman Will Come Again



i. The Package

"Eye on what i'm afterward/ I don't need another friend/ Nod and watch your lips movement/ If you demand me to pretend / Because clever got me this far/ Then tricky got me in/ I'll take simply what I came for/ Then I'k out the door again". A Perfect Circumvolve begins what I consider their best anthology with an ominous and lyrically representative track. "The Packet" is night and, oh, so truthful.

This rails can be taken unlike ways. I've seen some people have it in a sexual style and especially about drug habit. However, there is much more here that I feel applies to all of the in a higher place. Maynard is hither describing a type of person; something he does for the balance of the album, really. These frauds have an eye on ane matter in life: their own wants and desires. They care only for themselves.  So, while it's obvious that drugs are the focus here (and for much of the album), I recall at that place is something deeper exist discussed.

It's obvious in their demeanor, too. They grin to your face, but stab you in the dorsum. They hang effectually when you have something they want, but are missing in action when yous are in need. They don't need real friends, not when they are so amazing in and of themselves. They're and then clever, they recall. However, I recollect most people see through the facade. This game can't go on forever, afterwards all. Eventually, these self-centered fakes will be called out; the sooner the amend.


2. Weak and Powerless

Like most of the songs on this album, the next track "Weak and Powerless" is about also drug addiction.  The lyrics are quite abstract, putting usa inside the minds and hearts of these victims.  I think the album championship "The Thirteenth Step" is a reference to the rehabilitation of addicts, and the change has to start with recognizing the trouble.

This runway shows the screw of cocky-decay that addicts often experience. They are often so afraid of the world, or so tired of it; that they descend into darkness to escape it. "Tilling my ain grave to go on me level/ Jam some other dragon down the pigsty/ Digging to the rhythm and the echo of a solitary siren/ One that pushes me along and leaves me so/ desperate and ravenous".

Feeding the habit to numb the pain. Increasing the dosage. Increasing the power. Increasing the frequency. The drugs, or whatever it is that cages you, require more and more of y'all. They volition drag you down. What tin can you do to escape its grasp?


3. The Noose

And now we come to one of my all-fourth dimension favorite songs, "The Noose".  This third track on "The Thirteenth Pace" is haunting both musically and lyrically, and it has many personal applications (ones that hit home very specifically) for me that I suppose I shouldn't share.  Anyways, one of the steps in AA is to make amends to those that you've injure in your addiction.

"But I'm more than than just a petty curious/ How you're planning to get about/ Making your amends to the dead/ To the dead".  Wow.  That is i of the most potent lines in any song I've heard.  When you've let your life get out of command, can you ever brand amends?  When y'all've been frivolous with the lives of other people, tin you make up for that?

"And not to pull your halo down/ Effectually your cervix and tug you to the basis".  They're chirapsia the habit.  Good for them.  Yet, that cloud-9 is really zero.  Are they getting their lives in social club?  Bang-up!  But how can they, yet alive, celebrity in and exist proud of their accomplishments?  Is that the proper reaction?

Drugs bated, this song touches on and then many people I've met in my life.  Those people that are aloof and then "perfect", but their sense of arrogance and perfection, their halo, is what volition ultimately choke them to death.  Their indifference for people will exit them friendless, hopeless, and alone.  They've left then many people injured and haemorrhage in their wake: When will they see themselves equally they truly are?


4. Blue

"I didn't desire to know/ I only didn't want to know/ Best to keep things in the shallow terminate/ Cause I never quite learned how to swim".  The fourth track on "The Thirteenth Step" is chosen "Bluish", and I feel that the meaning is quite obvious.

This rails is all well-nigh ignoring the cocky-destructive beliefs of someone in your life.  You lot ignore the smoke.  You ignore the niggling warning signs.  "Telephone call an optimist, she's turning blue/ Such a lovely colour for y'all/ Call it backwash, she'southward turning blue/ While I but sit and stare at you".  In the midst of seeing someone fall autonomously and slowly kill themselves, sometimes nosotros but sit back and admire the scenery.  This shade of blueish is hardly beautiful, just is certainly deadly.

Can love actually permit us to practise this?  Can we ignore the warning signs and the calls for aid that are often coded in self-destructive behavior?  Doesn't love compel us to intervene?  "I don't want to know" isn't a valid response, but sometimes the pain and truth force it from our lips.


5. Vanishing

This adjacent track from A Perfect Circle'south "The Thirteenth Pace" is mostly an instrumental song, kinda.  It is rather ethereal, almost quivering.  The song is again virtually addiction, and I'd say that information technology has something to do with opium due to the lyric "Vanishing like a cyan Sunday/ Disappear/ Disappear".

But, of course, I remember there's a scrap more to it than the idea of watching the smoke from your piping waft off into the altitude.  That smoke, in my heed, represents something more.  Information technology'southward similar watching yourself vanish slowly, bit by chip.  You barely seem to notice that the person you were is at present gone.  Slowly, you vanish.  "Never really hither/ What that never/ Like a thought brushing upwardly against a sigh/ Floating away/ Floating away"….


6. A Stranger

The common cold comfort of the addiction is finally condign a reality to the addict in "The Thirteenth Step".  The addiction is a stranger, always there to requite him comfort that never really satisfies.  It never really fills him.

"And I listen for the whisper/ Of your sweet insanity while I formulate/ Denials of your touch on on me".  Yes, the addict eventually realizes that the drugs (of whatsoever information technology may be) are destroying him, and that they are completely useless in the long run.  Simply that instant feeling is so strong….

"Run away terrified child/ Won't you motion away you, you fucking tornado/ I'm better off without you/ Tearing my will down".  He's had enough, though.  That instant sensation, he realizes, is merely the death knell of his will.  He is not himself when he gives in to the pleasure.  He realizes, then, that this addiction is no stranger that volition be gone tomorrow.  He finally understands that this addiction is a cage that wants to hold him forever.  It was always closer than he knew.  He was never the primary.


seven. The Outsider

"Your/ Lying to yourself again/ Suicidal imbecile/ You're pounding on a mistake line/ What'll information technology take to get information technology through to you, precious".  Rails 7 on "The Thirteenth Step" is heavy lyrically.  We switch perspectives now to spotter every bit an addict wallows in their irreality.  The loved one of this addict has had enough, but he/she still loves them!

How difficult would that be?  How hard would it be to watch someone you love slowly circle the drain of life and consciousness?  They often take no idea what they are doing, or how they are being affected.  How practise yous get through to them?  Somewhen, though, we all have a breaking indicate.

"Disconnect and self destruct,/ One bullet at a time/ What'south your hurry, anybody will accept his twenty-four hour period to die/ If y'all cull to pull the trigger, should your drama testify sincere,/ Practise information technology somewhere far away from here".  All pity is gone for the outsider.  All worry has vanished.  The outsider is gone.  The aficionado has been left alone to dice.  When it comes to this betoken, what tin we practise?  When someone doesn't want to hear the truth, how tin we brand them?  When the but who loves you has given up, how far have yous fallen?


viii. Crimes

This 8th runway is pretty much instrumental, as the lyrics are simply Maynard counting from 1 to ten.  However, I was reading that the eighth step in the AA plan for addiction is to brand a listing of the people y'all have hurt while being under the influence.  That makes sense to me, so, every bit this rail is called "Crimes".

Honestly, this rails is sublime, as well.  The slow counting gives the appearance of a depressed, suicidal aficionado counting the people he's harmed, or perhaps counting the time until his next striking.  Either way, it's saddening and depressing, as it should be.


ix.  The Nurse Who Loved Me

The ninth track on this APC album is really a embrace vocal from a band named Failure.  It'southward interesting, though, every bit it definitely falls into the theme of the album.

This song is about enablers, I think.  It's almost those that feed someone'southward addiction, rather than intervening similar they should.  The addict is clearly in dearest with this "nurse" for what she tin requite him, non for who she is.

"She'due south got everything I need/ Chemist's keys/ She acts just like a nurse/ With all the other guys".  Perchance, this song could be the mazed dream of an addict in rehab, I suppose.  Nevertheless, I prefer to think of information technology equally indirectly convicting those that feed the deadly habit in someone else'south life.


10. Pet

One of the all-time songs APC ever wrote, "Pet" is a widely misconstrued song.  Some say that information technology'southward well-nigh our lying government here in the Usa, and others say it's near a parent trying to shelter their children.  The latter is a little closer to the truth, and information technology certainly fits.  Still, this vocal, similar the whole anthology, is almost addiction.

"Stay with me/ Prophylactic and ignorant/ Only stay with me/ Hold you and protect y'all from the other ones".  In this track, the addiction is speaking to its victim.  It woos and sways him with its words of comfort and consolation.  It promises protection, rubber, and freedom.  Even so, in reality, it gives him a life unlived, prophylactic through tyranny, and freedom through ignorance.

"Lay your caput down kid/ I won't allow the boogeyman come/ Count the bodies similar sheep/ To the rhythm of the war drums".  I think at that place is definitely a political slant here, likewise, though.  I remember Maynard is showing how these addictions, whether they exist drugs, pop culture, or even our ain attempts at hiding from the world; these addictions keep u.s. from being unlike.  They keep the states as perfect fiddling robots that never question anything.  Indeed, we "sway to the rhythm of the new earth club", and never question a thing.  Addictions rob usa of life as we consume everything without a thought to the source.

So, don't exist the "pet" of some addiction.  Don't be so transfixed by something that you fail to detect the evil and wrong that need to be battled.  Don't go hibernate in a corner with your own numb pleasure.  Live.


12. Gravity

The final vocal on "The Thirteenth Footstep" is a rails full of weighty idea, emotional pleas, and new resolves.  "I choose to live" is the mantra that emerges here.  The addict that we accept been following is finally submitting himself to pseudo forces of "gravity" that volition finally bring him downwards from his high, whether that exist rehab, his loved ones, or sheer determination.  He is finally surrendering to life.  He chooses to live now.

Just what's the worst part of finally living?  Life!  "Catch me, heal me, elevator me back up to the sun/ Help me survive the lesser".  We all need help surviving this life, merely I believe a true agreement of who we are and a dedication to people are the two best things that will help us survive this wretched world.  Nosotros all live for something, but if we make that something nothing more than temporary matter, meaningless highs, or willful ignorance; and so we will terminate up just every bit unhappy every bit this addict.  We will be lost.  We will have to find our way again and once more and once again.

If nosotros submit, however, to something not of this earth.  If we dedicate ourselves to the people that are similar fragments of He who really matters, we won't suffer addiction.  Nosotros won't be confused and purposeless anymore.  Nosotros won't be searching for the side by side best matter because we would have already plant Him.  I was once confused and living life twenty-four hour period later on day in a never-ending bike of mental and philosophical hurting and turmoil.  So I saw Jesus Christ for whom He truly is.  Non as near Christians would portray Him.  Not every bit nearly everyone would nowadays Him.  No, as He truly is, and His presence helped me shell the addiction to pain, to low, to bitterness.  You see, addiction to drugs is but a surface trouble.  The reality lies much deeper.  Break complimentary from the chains.




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